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Command Guide

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Head Admin
Head Admin
Staff Member
Command Guide

General Server Commands
Returns you to your previous location after teleporting.​
/backpack <name> /bp <name>
Opens the specified backpack.​
/blackmarket /bm
Buy limited items from the server such as rare tags, plushies, items etc. If the black market is not open it will show how long until it does open.​
/boosters check
Checks if you have any active boosters.​
Opens the claims menu for claiming and protecting an area. Check /claimingguide for more help.​
/dropcrates loot/lastcrate
Shows information about dropcrates such as loot pools and when the last crate spawned.​
Opens a menu showing all available emotes the server. This can be filtered by emotes you own, emotes unlocked by rank, and ones unlocked by spins.​
Extracts a seasonal skin from a pokemon to be placed in the reset vault.​
Sends you to a flash race if one is currently active.​
/gear & /gear <type>
Shows a list of seasonal gear or a specific type of seasonal gear and its perks.​
Shows your current coordinates in chat.​
/grandjackpot & /jackpot
Shows menu for grand jackpot and jackpot which allows buying of tickets to win a grand prize after a time limit.​
/home & /home <homename> & /homes
Teleports you to a set home or list homes.​
Sends you to the Complex server hub.​
{item} & {item#}
List an item in global chat or /msg or /party chat, numbers 1-9 indicates position in your hotbar.​
/kits & /kit <kit>
Shows a list of kits that are unlocked, click on them to claim, hover over them to see cooldowns/kit contents and name/enable and disable reminders for when they are available again.​
/level & /lvl
Shows your current level and prestige.​
/lock & /unlock
Locks or unlocks an item you are currently holding which ensures the item cannot be dropped from your inventory.​
/overflow & /overflow pokemon
When inventory/PC is full, Items/pokemon not added to your inventory/party/PC gained from things like kits/rewards/spins will be stored here. Be aware that overflow has a limit of three pages so ensure you claim often.​
Show unlocked player particles and equip them.​
/playtime & /pt top/rewards
Check your current playtime or check/claim your playtime milestones. Also check the top playtimes on the server.
Show unlocked pokemon particles and equip them.​
List a pokemon in global chat or /msg or /party chat, numbers 1-6 indicates party slot.​
/preferences & /pref
Allows you to change many features and disable chat popups to your liking.​
Allows you to change your prefix and the color of it if applicable.​
Shows current present hunts and information about them as warping to them upon clicking.​
Shows you your current dungeon quest.​
Unlocks before a server resets and takes seasonal items into the new server when added. There will be an announcement on the Complex Pixelmon Discord when this opens up.​
Displays a list of the server rules.​
Shows race menu, available races, and will show flash race if one is active.​
Teleports to a random location in the overworld, resource world, or ultraspace.​
/server <server>
Sends you to another server while being on a server (eg. /server red-spawn-1).​
/sethome <homename> & /delhome <homename>
Sets and deletes homes with a name (Doing only /sethome will create a home accessible using /home).​
Teleports you to the server spawn point.​
Opens a menu showing all available tags on the server. This can be filtered by tags you owned as well as searching by name. You can also equip tags by clicking on them with an option to match your nickname to them.​
Lists your entire party in global chat or /msg or /party chat.​
Shows current time in Minecraft.​
/vote & /voteparty
Open up links to vote for the server for rewards and vote keys which can be opened at /warp crates.​
/wands merge
Merges wands in your inventory.​
Opens a menu shows a list and categories of warps in the admin world.​

Provides a link to the breeding guide on the forums.
Provides a link to the claiming guide.
Shows a comprehensive list of server commands and features.
Gives you the PixelGear, which is an item that opens /menu when right clicked.
Provides a link the safe trading guide on pixelmon to help you avoid scams.

External Commands
Provides a link for staff and gym leader applications.
Provides a link to the Complex Pixelmon Discord server.
Provides instructions on how to link your Discord Account to Minecraft for a free shiny pokemon spin.
Provides a link and a tutorial to install the Complex Modpack to gain rewards and a free masterball.
Provides a link to download the server resource pack; useful for viewing custom textures (i.e. Gear/Custom Pokemon Skins).
/store & /donate & /buy
Provides a link to the server store where you can buy seasonal keys, ranks, and other items.
Provides a link to the Complex Pixelmon website.
Provides a link to the official Pixelmon Reforged wiki.

Player Interactions
/battlestats & /bs
Shows winrate in pokemon battles with other players.
Opens the friend menu, showing a list of friends and options to add and remove friends. Shift + Left Click a friend’s icon for extra options.
/ignore & /ignorelist
Ignore a player’s messages and hide their messages in chat.
/legendary trust add/remove/list
Adds/removes/shows a list of players to be able to catch a legendary that spawned on you.
/mail send <IGN> "Subject" <message>
Sends a mail to a player even if they are offline that they will see when they log onto the server.
/msg <IGN> & /r
Sends a private message to a player, use /r to reply to the last person that messaged you.
Toggles allowing or disallowing messages from other players.
Shows your current party and also gives options to add preferences to players in your party such as auto tpa requests. Shift + left click a member’s icon for extra options.
/party chat & /party chat <message>
Send a message to your party members only or toggle your chat to party by not sending a message.
/party create
Creates a new party.
/party invite <IGN> & /party invites
Invite a player to your party or check for any pending invites to other parties.
/party kick <IGN>
Kick a player from your party.
/playerwarps & /pwarps favorite/create/search
Opens the player warps menu. The top row shows featured warps, click an empty frame to list your player warp as a featured warp. Middle click another player’s warp to add it to your favourites. Right click your warp to manage it and add tags such as shop, museum etc. Command can also be used to search for specific players.
/seen <IGN>
Shows when a player was last online or how long they have been online for.
Kills your character.
/tpa <IGN> & /tpahere <IGN>
Sends a teleport request to another player on the server or request that they teleport to you.
/tpyes & /tpaccept & /tpdeny /tpno
Accept or deny a teleport request from another player, alternatively you can click the buttons in chat.

Economy & Trading
/bal & /bal other <IGN>
Checks the balance of yourself or specified user.
/bal history
Shows a detailed list of past transactions and income.
/cf & /coinflip & /cf
Opens a menu which allows you to take or create a 50/50 coinflip match for currency.
/cf ban
Bans yourself from using the /cf command. This is permanent and cannot be undone.
Opens chestshop menu which allows creation of a chest shop which can be attached to a chest placed down, which is used to buy and sell from other players. Stock and prices as well as removing chestshops can be done from this menu.
/gamble stats
Tracks your winrate, profit, and matches won/lost in /coinflip or /jackpot.
/gts & /gts search & /gts sell
Sell or buy items from the GTS and open a menu, or search specific players and items.
/pay <IGN> <currency> <amount>
Pays the player the specified amount of currency.
/pgift <IGN> <slot>
Sends your pokemon to the player specified and puts sent pokemon on a 12-hour trade cooldown (slots from 1-6).
/safetrade <IGN>
Starts a safe trade where you can offer items/currency/pokemon with reduced risk of scams.
/shop & /shop search
Search the server shop to buy and sell items. Can also search for specific items.

Pixelmon Commands
Shows your current gym badge progress.
/battle validate <format>
Shows if your team is valid for a specified format (i.e. gen8dex, natgen9).
Opens a bingo menu which shows a grid of pokemon, catch a line and/or a whole board for rewards.
/boss battle
Starts the current boss battle or shows when the last one was.
/boss loot
Shows loot tables for all types of world bosses based on participation.
Opens a menu to start or view a contract of varying difficulties. Complete all objectives to earn rewards. Also shows information about Realm Contracts
/dex & /dex check <pokemon> & /dex remaining
Shows all dexes including regular pokemon, skinned pokemon and plushies.
Teleport to the E4 members when clicked on (Unlocked after beating gyms).
/eggsteps <slot>
Shows how many steps are needed to hatch an egg in your party.
/endbattle /eb
Ends a pokemon battle, mostly used for bugged battles.
/evtrain <slot> <stat> <amount> confirm
Pay to increase the EVs of your pokemon instantly with the stat of your choice.
Allows you to upgrade your Kanto orb into its Galarian version.
Opens a menu showing detailed information about pokemon in your party.
Shows a list of NPC and player gyms and track your progress through beating them.
/gym rules & /gym validate
Shows the rules for gym battles. Validates if your team is eligible for the gym rules.
/hiddenpower <slot>
Shows pokemon’s hidden power.
Opens menu to start a hunt of a variety of difficulties. Gives a pokemon with specific stats to hunt down for rewards. Will also show the current flash hunt if one is active.
/evs & /ivs
Shows the pokemon's EVs/IVs. Slots 1-6.
Shows recently spawned rare pokemon including legendary pokemon and seasonal pokemon.
Trades mega stone for another random one (1 hour cooldown).
/neuter <slot> /unbreedable <slot>
Makes a pokemon unbreedable.
Use tokens to modify your pokemon in various ways.
/pcclear <box>
Completely clears pokemon out of the specified box. Be careful when running this command.
Trades your Arceus plate for another random one (3 hour cooldown).
/pwiki <pokemon>
Type in a pokemon name after this command to view moves, location, spawn chances, etc. about any pokemon.
/tradesim <slot>
Simulates a pokemon trade which evolves pokemon with this requirement (It is recommend to do this over actual trading due to trade cooldowns with regular trading).
/wondertrade <slot> & /wt & /wt list
Trades a pokemon in your party for one in /wt list.
Trades your Z-Crystal for another random one (2 hour cooldown).
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