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A rant about "Hxroic," a partnered YouTube channel with Complex


New member
My IGN is "JayHayes37"

I've been subscribed to the YouTuber "Hxroic" for a while now and I've wanted to get back into factions since I just got back into minecraft and was big into factions as a kid. Now several years later, I seen a post on his youtube channel regarding starting a viewer faction for the new season of complex factions. I thought this is my opportunity. I researched factions so I could make the best of my experience and I dedicated MUCH of my time from right at the beginning of the server up until the moment that made me sick.

The events in order:
It started in the faction discord server that Hxroic had created, I was gone for work for a day when I came back and noticed someone messaging in the discord server as my IGN "JayHayes37."
2. I clicked on the discord user and it was someone named turtlederp_***** (the *'s are numbers, I don't remember the exact numbers.)
3. I @ responded in the discord on my discord account nicknamed "Jayden" to them. My response was something along the lines of "Why is your discord name my IGN? lol"
4. I received no response, so I periodically checked and would @ this turtlederp person in the discord I think 3 times wanting an answer.
5. After like 10 hours I figured it was just a joke at this point, just some banter among faction members and wasn't too concerned for an answer anymore
6. I decided to play along and made my discord nickname in the server into their discord name (turtlederp_*****) and I messaged "lol" in the discord chat so they would notice and hopefully respond.
7. I go to bed, and the next day I logged on and I notice I'm not in the faction discord anymore.
8. I log onto the minecraft server and I am kicked from the faction roster and since I had logged out in the faction home I was attacked by faction members since as I couldn't join the faction anymore. (Understandable if they didn't recognize my name, I'd probably attack too in their position.)
9. I message someone in the faction who wasn't the owner but had power to kick and invite and he said I need to message Hxroic because he had no idea about the situation. Hxroic wasn't on at the time so I left.
10. I logged on a few times here and there and never seen him online. Eventually I logged on about a day later and finally found him online so I sent a message asking why I got kicked from the discord server and faction.

I. Hxroic's response was: "lol" "get out of here turtlederp"

II. I was confused and responded: "what"

III. Hxroic responded: "Poshida already confirmed to me" (I didn't know who Poshida was during this conversation but afterwards I discovered that it is the owner of the top #3 faction Tyrant) Then said "I was also sent screenshots by staff in a ticket" (I have 0 knowledge of this ticket, and I'm just completely confused at this point)

IV. I responded again: "whattt??" Then I mentioned the discord server situation with the name changes to see if that clears up any misunderstanding that might've happened.

V. Hxroic responded: "crazy how turtlederp logged of 7 minutes ago, and you logged on 3 min ago"

VI. I responded: "what kind of fuckery is this LMAO"

VII. Hxroic responded: "you can quit the act tho, I got the rank removed. Poshida confirmed to me as well" (He had got the owner of the server to give a bunch of the faction members, including me, the top rank. I spent, well, wasted now, even more time on the server working for the faction now that I had top rank when I previously had no rank)

VIII. A back and forth went of for several messaged, him basically telling me to cut the act, calling me turtlederp, and kept saying Poshida confirmed.

I have no idea who this turtlederp person is.

There have been several moments where Hxroic was rude to faction members in call on discord, or just showing a general uncaring attitude to others, especially when trying to record a video. I was thinking this is just a factions thing, I noticed that people often had a more 'serious' mentality in factions than in other Minecraft servers, and I was okay with that because of the context of factions, but reflecting on it now, his attitude wasn't warranted, especially when we had younger people in the faction calls also. I don't want to say for certain, but it seems Hxroic gets a power trip from having relations with the owner, several mods, and being a partnered channel with the server.

My experience has been completely ruined to say the least and it makes me sick knowing I contributed to Hxroic's videos, build friendships with faction members, and dumped countless hours and long nights into the server for Hxroic, all for it to be taken away by someone elses wrongdoings and me getting unwillingly caught up in it.

I won't be playing on this server anymore, I'm very glad I didn't spend any big amounts of money yet. (I spent like $50 on prisons but that was before this drama so I'm okay with that)

This post will probably get removed by someone, but if this stays up, for those who have read this and are new to the server, be careful when dealing with partnered people and the mods because everything is very fishy with it.

Thanks for reading.


New member
It sounds like you've had a really frustrating experience on the server with Hxroic and the faction dynamics. It's disappointing when your efforts and time investment aren't respected or appreciated, especially when it seems you were caught up in a misunderstanding that wasn't properly clarified.

It's understandable that you feel disillusioned and upset about the situation. It's important to prioritize your enjoyment and well-being in any gaming environment. If the atmosphere and treatment from certain individuals, including Hxroic, have made your experience negative, it's probably best to step away from that server.

It's unfortunate that it had to end this way, especially after you invested so much time and effort into it. Hopefully, you can find or create a better gaming community where you feel valued and can enjoy your time without these kinds of issues.

If you have any further questions or need more advice, feel free to ask.