W W William Yang Dec 14, 2021 Hello to all who are reading this. My name is William Yang and my gaming name is ZRoule, I'm a noobie and will love to join playing with anyone with discord if interested. Will see you in the game
Hello to all who are reading this. My name is William Yang and my gaming name is ZRoule, I'm a noobie and will love to join playing with anyone with discord if interested. Will see you in the game
E E EmelEpiqGamer Dec 2, 2021 i am wondering how do i sell my pokemon with the /gts command i don't know how to sell please tell me how
i am wondering how do i sell my pokemon with the /gts command i don't know how to sell please tell me how
ComplexHand Nov 21, 2021 For everyone waiting on Ban Appeals and Applications. We try to do them as fast as we can and it shouldn't take too long!
For everyone waiting on Ban Appeals and Applications. We try to do them as fast as we can and it shouldn't take too long!
K K kevinwth Nov 17, 2021 Waiting for an answer on my ban appeal for the discord server ( acc got hacked and they sent scam links )
Waiting for an answer on my ban appeal for the discord server ( acc got hacked and they sent scam links )